Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Rounding Worksheet to the nearest 1000

 Rounding Numbers Newton Picture
Here you will find a range of free printable math worksheets to help your child learn to round numbers to the nearest thousand.
These sheets are carefully graded so that the easier sheets come first and give extra support.
Each sheets comes with a separate printable answer sheet.
Using these sheets will help your child to:
  • round numbers to the nearest 1000;
  • practise rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100;
  • position numbers to 10000 on a number line.

Rounding Worksheet to the nearest 1000

Enjoy! The Math Salamanders :)

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Rounding Numbers Worksheets to the nearest 100

Rounding Numbers Newton Picture
Here you will find a range of free printable math worksheets to help your child learn to round numbers to the nearest hundred.
These sheets are carefully graded so that the easier sheets come first and give extra support.
The numbers in Sheets 1 to 4 go up to 1000. Sheet 5 goes up to 10,000.
Each sheets comes with a separate printable answer sheet.
Using these sheets will help your child to:
  • round numbers to the nearest 100;
  • practise rounding numbers to the nearest 10;
  • position numbers to 1000 on a number line.

Rounding Numbers Worksheets to the nearest 100

Enjoy! The Math Salamanders ;o)

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Rounding Worksheets to the nearest 10

Rounding Numbers Newton Picture
Here you will find a range of free printable math worksheets to help your child learn to round numbers to the nearest 10.
These sheets are carefully graded so that the easier sheets come first and give extra support.
The numbers in Sheets 1 to 4 go up to 100. Sheets 5 & 6 go up to 1000.
Each sheets comes with a separate printable answer sheet.
Using these sheets will help your child to:
  • round numbers to the nearest 10;
  • position numbers to 100 on a number line.

Rounding Worksheets to the nearest 10

Enjoy! The Math Salamanders :0)

Friday, 13 September 2013

Finding Fractions - Fraction Spotting

Fraction Salamander 3rd Grade picture
The worksheets in this section will help your child learn to spot fractions around them.
Learning to spot fractions is one of the first things that children should be learning. It links fractions of things to everyday life, and helps them to anchor their understanding of fractions into the world around them.

Finding Fractions - Fraction Spotting

Enjoy! The Math Salamanders :o)

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Halves and Quarters up to 100

Fraction Salamander 3rd Grade picture
The worksheets in this section will help your child learn and practice halving and quartering numbers to 100.
Using these sheets will help your child to:
  • learn to quarter and halve numbers up to 100.

Halves and Quarters up to 100

Enjoy! The Math Salamanders :-)

Coordinate Plane Grid

Coordinate Plane Grid Shape Salamander holding ball
On this webpage you will find our range of coordinate templates.

There is a wide range of printable templates, including templates using 1, 2 or all 4 quadrants.
There are many different fun math activities that you can do with your child with a coordinate template, please see below for an activity sheet.

There are also pre-made printable coordinate worksheets available on a separate webpage.

All these free coordinate plane grids will help your child to master using basic coordinates.
Coordinate Plane Grid

Enjoy! The Math Salamanders :-)

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Ordering Decimals to 3dp

Math Salamanders Newton Number Newt
Here you will find a range of free printable math worksheets, which will help your child learn to order numbers with up to 3 decimal places.

Using these sheets will help your child to:
  • learn to order numbers with up to 3 decimal places;
  • learn to order positive and negative decimals.

Ordering Decimals to 3dp

Enjoy! The Math Salamanders ;->

Friday, 6 September 2013

Counting By Decimals

Flame Place Value Salamander 5th Grade
Here you will find a selection of 5th Grade Practice Math sheets designed to help your child understand how to count on and back by multiples of 0.1
Counting by decimals is a good way to help children to learn how to add and subtract decimals mentally.
The sheets on this page are broken up into different sections, with the easiest sheet coming first in each section.
All the sheets come with an answer sheet provided.
Using these sheets will help your child to:
  • count on and back by tenths;
  • complete missing sequences;
  • use sequences involving negative numbers.

Counting By Decimals

Enjoy! The Math Salamanders :->

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

4th Grade Math Sheets

Here you will find a selection of 4th Grade Practice Math sheets designed to help your child understand how to count on and back by multiples of 10.
Counting on and back is a good way to help children to learn how to add and subtract mentally.
The sheets on this page are broken up into different sections, with the easiest sheet coming first in each section.
All the sheets come with an answer sheet provided.
Using these sheets will help your child to:
  • count on and back by multiples of ten;
  • complete missing sequences;
  • use sequences involving negative numbers.

4th Grade Math Sheets - counting by tens

Enjoy! The Math Salamanders :-)

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Math Games Worksheets

Math Games Worksheets Captain Salamander
Using these games is a great way to learn Math facts and develop mental calculation skills in a fun and easy way.

Encouraging your child to play math games and puzzles like sodoku and chess will also help develop their logical reasoning.

Using these math games below will help your child to develop their Math fact skills as well as their leaning about the properties of numbers.

All the games below have been put in order, with the easiest game first.

Have fun using these free Math games using dice...we hope you enjoy them!
Math Games Worksheets

Enjoy! The Math Salamanders ;->